Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8 - Lucy's first Swimming Lesson and Max helps Daddy

More fun to be had in the D household today! Lucy had her first swimming lesson which also meant Max had his first non-family childcare experience. I wasn't sure how Max would do seeing as he doesn't go to daycare and the only people who have watched him are my parents and Bill's mom. He went right in and didn't even notice I had left. When I came back to pick him up he was busy playing with a few other kids. I really think this is going to be a good thing for him to get playtime with other kids, without me hovering.
Lu's swimming lesson was fun. She's not exactly at an age where she is going to learn a whole lot, but the dedicated Mommy and Lu time is great. She was smiling at everybody and very relaxed in the pool. It is really nice how this pool is set up because it is shallow enough for her to sit or lay down in some areas. She was perfectly content until it was time to take off her many required layers of swimwear. I've not been a fan of the baby bikini in the past, but may be converted if they are easier to take off a squirmy, chubby little one!
We got to have a special treat at lunch. They were training a new chef at Bill's work so we were able to eat on the Teppan side for a huge discount! When we got home it was pretty warm out so Bill and Max decided to do some shoveling outside.

Getting dried off after swimming.


"Max good helper!"

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