Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21 - Flu Shots and a Visit With Grandma Karen and Grandpa Pete

As I've mentioned, Lu has been acting a bit off the past few weeks-fussier then usual, clingy, and not sleeping well. I decided that since we were going to the pediatrician's office for her second flu shot anyways, she might as well get checked out to make sure nothing medical is going on. The results? She's perfectly fine. Ears look perfect and he doesn't even think she's teething. Just great. It isn't that I want her to be sick, but if it was an ear infection we could give her an antibiotic and she'd be feeling better/hopefully sleeping better. Oh well, it looks like we'll have to get more serious about some sort of sleep training.
After the doctor's appointment we picked up the boys and headed out to my inlaws' house for a delicious turkey dinner. Lu surprised us and ate a bunch of turkey! Max had fun playing with the toy assortment out there and especially enjoyed an antique Weebles race track from 1978!

Best part of the doctor's office is the paper!

Antique Weeble racer!

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