Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3 - Signing Time and Reading on the Can

We had a really nice morning today. When Max woke up he asked me if "Tannie's house open today?" He's taken to referring to places as open or closed depending on whether or not we're going there that day. When I went to text my mom aka Tannie, I was surprised to find a text from her asking if I needed any help with the kiddos. We decided she should come to our house to play. Max loves when we have people over and proceeded to ask if Aunt E and Aunt Evonne were coming too.
Tannie and Max played shapes, farm, birds and put together a puzzle while Lucy napped and I got some laundry done. I wish I would have gotten pictures of them playing, but I was too busy enjoying uninterrupted cleaning time! Breakfast and potty time pictures will have to do today.

Trying to teach Lu the sign for "more."

Someday this kid will poop on the potty even if he has to read multiple train books to make it happen.

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