Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23 - Daddy Off Work!

Max has become more aware of Bill having to go to work/not being home in the evenings. He regularly asks "Daddy off work night?" It breaks my heart and Bill's to hear this, but unfortunately that is the nature of his job. If he had a normal 9-5, he'd be gone all day and miss even more time with the kids. It is always a good day when I can answer the question with "Yes, Daddy is off work tonight!" This is usually received with a big "Hooray!" from Max.
We had a pretty relaxing day. I ran in the morning and we went to check on my parents' cat. We put together an Angry Birds puzzle and had lunch at Panera. After a glorious nap in which Lu slept two whole hours in her own bed we had some yummy chili and bacon cornbread for dinner. We finished off the night with snuggle movie time where we watched "The Aristocats." Max really liked it and had a quite entertaining dance party during "Everybody Wants to be a Cat," complete with booty dancing!

Lu wasn't really a fan of cornbread.

Yep, that is the best I could get.

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