Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19 - Max's First Soccer Practice

Today was an exciting day for Max and Bill. Max had his first soccer practice! One of the local soccer clubs has started a program for toddlers. They meet once a week for 50 minutes and do age appropriate ball drills and games to get the kids interested in the sport. Since Bill was quite the soccer player in high school and college, we wanted to give it a try.
It was a lot of fun to watch all the chaos! Max did OK, he had some trouble sitting still and listening to directions, but what 2 year old doesn't? One activity that Max enjoyed was building towers out of cones and then kicking a ball at them to knock them down. Pretty much identical to his favorite Angry Bird game! Lu also made a little baby friend. One of the girls in Max's group has a baby sister that is 10 days older then Lu. It was fun to chat with her grandma and watch the girls interact.

His first soccer uniform!

Practicing ball control.

Lu's new favorite toy is the remote.

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