Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20 - Someone got in trouble...

We went to the Y this morning to get my run in since tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and childcare will be flooded with kids home from school. Lu is just getting over a little cold and I want her exposed to as few germs as possible. I ran my 3.08 miles, cleaned up and went to pick the kids up. I was surprised to find Max sitting quietly in a chair off to the side. It turns out he was in timeout for throwing toys and dumping things all over the floor. I guess I'm not surprised. We've been having a bit of trouble with him showing his two year old-ness these past several weeks. He doesn't differentiate between it being ok to throw balls at gym class or soccer, but it not being ok to throw trains or other toys. We've tried gently explaining it to him which did not work, so we've moved on to timeout as soon as he throws something whether or not he's throwing for fun or a temper tantrum. I'm really hoping we'll make some progress with this. I know it isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of toddler misbehavior, but it still doesn't feel great as a parent to know your child is getting timeout at childcare.
Lu has been a bit moody the past couple days. I really hope it is her teeth finally coming through because she's fussing when she's nursing, doesn't want to be laid down, and has been having a hard time going down for her naps on her own. We go in tomorrow for her flu shot booster and I might just ask to have her seen just in case there is more to the story.

Snuggling with Daddy.

Surprise, surprise, someone didn't want to go to bed tonight.

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