Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15: Peek a boo!

It has been a good day. Started the morning off with Lucy's swimming lessons. I have to say her lessons are much more advanced then Max's are. I know it has a lot to do with the instructor, but Lucy's teacher has them practicing pushing off the side and towing while Max gets to practice getting in the "safe way."
We had a glorious nap and spent the rest of the evening playing at home. Leftovers for dinner since I've actually been cooking again(I pretty much took the month of December off) and the kids went to bed fairly easily.
I had mentioned we were getting rid of the binks last week and I am proud to report that Max has been bink free for a whole week! Tonight Max asked to wear his Angry Bird Star Wars undies to bed, so against my better judgement he is currently sleeping in big boy undies! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Where's Max?

Peek a boo!

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