Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5 - After Nap Fun

Today was a busy day. Lots of running around this morning getting various supplies for the kiddos' activities that are starting next week. It was also Grandma Karen's birthday so we had a nice(as nice as it can be with two little ones) lunch with her and Grandpa Pete at Chili's. Then back to Target for forgotten swim diapers and home for a nap.
It was when Lu and I went to get Max up when this gem happened. Max asked to snuggle with Lucy. I obliged and put her in his crib with him. They had a blast playing together until Max wanted out to get Lucy more toys. I know these moments are going to get fewer and farther in between as the kids get older so I'm trying to savor them as much as possible right now.

Max has been sleeping with the back of his crib facing out to keep him from climbing. I recently turned it back to see what would happen. So far so good! *knock on wood*

Someone loves her new swimming suit!

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