Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18 - Happy Seven Months Lucy!

I can't believe Lu is already seven months old! Seven months means that she's no longer my little baby, we're approaching crawling, walking and talking. She's finally eating some solid food and still nursing around the clock. Still no teeth, but I'm hopeful they're about to make their appearance. Her sleep schedule has been improving, sleeping a whole five hour stretch each night and then up every hour or so after that. She's still on reflux meds and while we hoped to be weaning her off of them, I'm thinking we'll probably need to increase her dose. We've been dealing with separation anxiety-something we never really experienced with Max. She wants to be held whenever possible and if she's sitting next to me, she'll dive towards me in hopes of getting picked up.
She's super sweet and smiley. As I mentioned before she's saying "Mama" and has also started saying "Baba," and something like "Boom." She loves Max so much and he can make her giggle better then anyone else.

I can't believe how big she's gotten!

She was sleeping like a lady with her feet crossed.

This is probably an hour after he was put to bed and still happily playing.

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